Friendly Cloud

Chat with a Friendly Cloud with voice!

Awesome technologies got together just to make your day!
Friendly Cloud has voice recognition and AI under the hood, but you don’t have to worry about these:
-Just press the button and talk. Then Friendly Cloud will magically reply.

She is all about fun!
Friendly Cloud is like Siri without the serious parts:
-Seriously, don’t wait Friendly Cloud to take her time and help you with your own business, but you can always come back and chat with her when you are done.

Friendly Cloud is not your personal assistant, she is your friend… on the cloud!

Note: You should have “Voice Search” and “TTS library” installed in your phone for Friendly Cloud to work. Most of the phones come with these pre-installed, if not please install them from Android market before you try Friendly Cloud.
AI, Artificial Intelligence, Siri, Voice Recognition, Chatbot, Bot
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