MsnRise Beta
For dowload MsnRise to your computer ;
For direct download to your phone with wap browser;
Proxyless Msn client.
-Supports direct picture and voice sending and receiving.
-Personal message
-Message screen uses CustomItem,so write and see what is happening (t9 support).
-Incoming mail headers can be seen.
-Shows unread mails number.
-typing status
-Audio format selection,
-Image format and size selection,
Will support soon;
-Battleship game; two player over internet,
-Checkers game two player over internet,Based on CustomItem,
MsnRise 0.99
Copyright © 2006 Ali Cumhur Çevik All rights reserved
This applicatoion uses MD5 library written by Timothy W. Macinta and others.
For more information about MD5 library;
MD5 library source code and LGPL license